A life-threatening cup of tea: A Case Report and a Literature Review


" Herbal teas have been ingrained in traditional practices, particularly in traditional Chinese medicine, for many years. Despite their global popularity and widespread use, there is a notable absence of comprehensive studies elucidating the mechanism of action and potential adverse effects associated with these medicinal herbs. We present the case of a male in his early 50s who consumed an herbal tea called “Tapee tea” which is marketed to alleviate musculoskeletal pain and is available for purchase on various online platforms. He presented to the hospital due to melanotic stools and was subsequently diagnosed with a large duodenal peptic ulcer which was further complicated by hemorrhagic shock and cardiopulmonary arrest. Our aim is to create awareness for the public to exercise caution before purchasing products regarded as “natural” supplements. Healthcare professionals, including physicians and mid-level providers, should adopt a comprehensive approach to patient assessment, including history-taking that includes medication reconciliation of over-the-counter dietary supplements when constructing a differential diagnosis. This approach ensures a wellinformed and vigilant stance towards the potential risks associated with herbal product consumption."

For more details:

A life-threatening cup of tea: A Case Report and a Literature Review

And the FDA's warning about this tea:

Tapee Tea contains hidden drug ingredients

So, take care!


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