New dinosaur-like reptile discovered in Scotland after bones found on field trip

A new dinosaur-like species has been uncovered in Scotland, giving palaeontologists a precious insight into animal life in the Middle Jurassic.

Researchers from the UK’s Natural History Museum first noticed a few bones sticking out of a boulder during a field trip to the Isle of Skye in 2006. That fossil has now been revealed as a new species of pterosaur, named ‘Ceoptera evansae’.

These flying reptiles - pterosaur literally translates as ‘wing lizard’, like helicopter means ‘spiral wing’ - existed from the Late Triassic to the same extinction event that killed the dinosaurs around 66 million years ago. But their patchy fossil record during the Middle Jurassic has left us largely in the dark about how they evolved."

For more details:

New dinosaur-like reptile discovered in Scotland after bones found on field trip

And a related post:


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