Gut microbiome: Meet Asaccharobacter celatus—the brain health bug
"I recently completed a study which showed that A celatus was associated with a component of brain function known as executive function. This relates to complex cognitive tasks we perform daily, including doing math in our head, or reorganizing the day's tasks in our mind when something unexpectedly changes.
I found that the more A celatus bacteria were in healthy older adults aged 50 to 80 (measured by sequencing stool samples), the greater their scores on an executive function test. But it's important to note that these findings are yet to be published in a peer-reviewed journal.
This research appears promising, but we need more evidence to confirm the potential benefits of both A celatus bacteria and soy foods in helping older people maintain their brain health as they age."
For more details:
Gut microbiome: Meet Asaccharobacter celatus—the brain health bug
And a related book:
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