Shoveling Snow Can Be a 'Perfect Storm' for Your Heart, Experts Warn

 "“The movements of snow shoveling are very taxing and demanding on your body and can cause significant increases in your heart rate and blood pressure,” Franklin said in an AHA news release. “Combined with the fact that the exposure to cold air can constrict blood vessels throughout the body, you’re asking your heart to do a lot more work in conditions that are diminishing the heart’s ability to function at its best.”

Snow removal is especially concerning for people who already have heart risks, such as couch potatoes, the obese, smokers, diabetics and survivors of previous heart attacks or strokes, Franklin said.

“People with these characteristics and those who have had bypass surgery or coronary angioplasty simply should not be shoveling snow in any conditions,” Franklin said.

“We often see events in people who are usually sedentary, they work at a computer all day or get little or no exercise,” he added. “Then once or twice a year they go out and try to shovel the driveway after a heavy snowfall and that unexpected exertion can unfortunately lead to tragedy.”

Franklin recommends that people with risk factors for heart disease get someone else to handle snow removal for them.

He adds that if you must shovel snow, you should:

  • Start gradually and pace yourself

  • Stay warm with layered clothing, a hat and gloves

  • Protect against breathing in cold air by covering your mouth and nose

  • Push or sweep snow rather than lifting and throwing it, as that involves less exertion

  • Use caution when the wind is blowing, as wind chill will increase the effects of cold on your body

Folks also might consider using an automated snow blower. Pushing a snow blower raises the heart rate to around 120, compared to around 170 while shoveling snow, Franklin said.

Pay close attention to your body while shoveling snow, and stop immediately if you experience chest pain or pressure, lightheadedness, heart palpitations or irregular heart rhythms. Call 911 if symptoms don’t subside."

For more details:

Shoveling Snow Can Be a 'Perfect Storm' for Your Heart, Experts Warn


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