Probiotics, gut microbiome, and cardiovascular diseases: An update


"Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are one of the most challenging diseases and many factors have been demonstrated to affect their pathogenesis. One of the major factors that affect CVDs, especially atherosclerosis, is the gut microbiota (GM). Genetics play a key role in linking CVDs with GM, in addition to some environmental factors which can be either beneficial or harmful. The interplay between GM and CVDs is complex due to the numerous mechanisms through which microbial components and their metabolites can influence CVDs. Within this interplay, the immune system plays a major role, mainly based on the immunomodulatory effects of microbial dysbiosis and its resulting metabolites. The resulting modulation of chronic inflammatory processes was found to reduce the severity of CVDs and to maintain cardiovascular health. To better understand the specific roles of GM-related metabolites in this interplay, this review presents an updated perspective on gut metabolites related effects on the cardiovascular system, highlighting the possible benefits of probiotics in therapeutic strategies."

For the whole article:

Probiotics, gut microbiome, and cardiovascular diseases: An update 


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